Proven Strategies
Measureable Impact

Our HUMAN Brand® experience insights and strategies deliver measurable impact on important outcomes.

Deeper Human Insights

Regardless of the setting, human experiences that result in trust and loyalty require not only clinical competence, but also the access, empathy, respect and responsiveness that reflects genuine caring. That’s why our approach extends well beyond HCAHPS survey metrics to provide deeper insights and proven strategies that satisfy the expectations of today’s healthcare environment.

Deeper Human Insights

Regardless of the setting, human experiences that result in trust and loyalty require not only clinical competence, but also the access, empathy, respect and responsiveness that reflects genuine caring. That’s why our approach extends well beyond HCAHPS survey metrics to provide deeper insights and proven strategies that satisfy the expectations of today’s healthcare environment.

Focus & Experience Personalization

Deeper diagnostic insights enable greater focus on root causes and the personalization of patient, team member and care provider experiences. We provide actionable insights focused on the most critical pain points and stakeholders, enabling you and your team to consistently deliver care experiences that earn loyalty.

Focus & Experience Personalization

Deeper diagnostic insights enable greater focus on root causes and the personalization of patient, team member and care provider experiences. We provide actionable insights focused on the most critical pain points and stakeholders, enabling you and your team to consistently deliver care experiences that earn loyalty.

Patient Experience Impact

By understanding and addressing patients’ warmth and competence priorities and perceptions, health systems can deliver care experiences that generate double-digit increases in loyalty and outcomes. The findings of our work for a not-for-profit, regional health system with over $7 billion in assets illustrates this below.

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Specifically, advanced predictive analytics were conducted to quantify the impact of patient experiences on behavior and financial outcomes. The analysis revealed that for every 1 point increase in warmth perceptions (on a 7 point scale), positive emotion ratings increase by 0.8 points. Separately, a one point increase in competence perceptions yields a 0.36 point increase in positive emotions. Further, for every one point increase in positive emotion ratings, loyalty to this health system increases by 0.61 points.

Finally, for every 1 point increase in patient loyalty, actual patient payments and visits to the system had increased by 14-16% over the previous decade. As a result, this provides clear evidence that a focus on improving specific patient perceptions and loyalty would contribute significant increases in visits and system revenue in the future.

Team Member Experience Impact

While roles and experiences of team members in health systems are obviously very different from those of patients, the same foundational human perceptions still drive their emotions, loyalty and behavior. By uniquely applying the HUMAN Brand insights model from the perspective of team members, equally compelling diagnostics, focus and impact can be achieved.

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Specifically, advanced predictive analytics were conducted to quantify the impact of team member experiences on job loyalty and tenure. The analysis revealed that for every 1 point increase in warmth perceptions (on a 7 point scale), positive emotion ratings increase by 0.9 points. Separately, a one point increase in competence perceptions yields a 0.57 point increase in positive emotions. Further, for every 1 point increase in positive emotion ratings, loyalty to this health system increases by 0.65 points.

Finally, for every 1 point increase in loyalty, actual job tenure with this system increased by 0.88 years per team member, a 9.8% increase! As a result, there is clear evidence that a focus on improving specific team member perceptions and loyalty would contribute significant increases in staffing retention.

Care Provider Experience Impact

Care providers are critical and especially complex stakeholders in the provision of care to patients and guidance to team members. Employed care providers have very different expectations and perceptions from advanced practice practitioners (APPs). Similarly, the needs of employed physicians differ substantially from those of privately affiliated ones. As a result, one-size-fits-all approaches to provider engagement are rarely effective.

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Specifically, advanced predictive analytics were conducted to quantify the impact of care provider experiences on job loyalty and tenure. The analysis revealed that for every 1 point increase in warmth perceptions (on a 7 point scale), loyalty to this health system increased by 0.80 points. Separately, a one point increase in competence perceptions yields a 0.40 point increase in care provider loyalty.

Finally, for every 1 point increase in loyalty, actual job tenure with this system increased by 0.50 years per care provider, a 6.2% increase! As a result, there is clear evidence that a focus on improving specific care provider perceptions and loyalty would contribute significant increases in retention.